
β€œThe only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.”
— Hellen Keller

Dream it.

What is the greatest issue facing the church today? Many would say a lack of vision

Can you clearly articulate your vision to someone over a cup of coffee? Can your leadership team?

HIGHER ministries believes that the first step to reaching your goals is to, first, understand your vision. We help you tell the story of where God has brought you and where He is leading you in the future.

As we guide you through the vision process you will develop a clear strategy for implementing your vision and measures to assess your development and progress.


Build it.

Visioneering is available many different formats:

  • One-day vision development seminars

  • Vision Design weekend retreats

  • Eight-month visioneering process

For more information on any of these options or to schedule a visioneering program for your team, please contact us.