Higher Ministries began serving the needs of local church ministers, their families, and the congregations they serve in January 2006. Our staff and directors have over 80 years of combined ministry experience as youth ministers, campus ministers, senior ministers, and administrators along with over 45 years of lay leadership experience in the local Church.

The purpose of Higher Ministries is to provide support, encouragement, direction, crisis intervention, and education services to non-profit religious institutions and the persons they employ.

While our staff brings several models of prevention and intervention to the table from years of experience and training, Higher Ministries also strives to work within these models to provide care that goes above and beyond the surface-level needs of today's ministers, their families, and those they serve. 

The purpose of Higher Ministries is to provide support, encouragement, direction, crisis intervention, and education services to non-profit religious institutions and the persons they employ.